Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Might I recommend Wednesday night? It is the best for me, and thus it is my suggestion.

Don't anybody worry about not attending my party. I had a pretty good turn out, mostly because a few people brought friends, and Amanda brought all of her sisters and sisters in law along. I mean, yah, I kinda feel a litle bit like Pam did when nobody came to her art show, but I'll surely get over it. (Honestly, I missed you all, but was not in any way offended.)

Today I will finish Emma, having only 20 pages left, so I kinda wish the book club weren't over a month out, but I guess I will have to practice patience and tame my excitements until the time arrives.

Thanksgiving was good. I hosted it, and everyone had fun. I made an apple pie, world famous yams, grilled fresh green beans, carrots, even though I don't like cooked carrots, and heated some frozen peas and corn. I was also in charge of the turkey, and it turned out so well! I brined it, filled it with apples and spices, and roasted it to perfection. It was moist and delightful. I highly recommend brining to anyone attempting to roast a turkey. It was so fool-proof and easy.

I was asked to be part of a new team at work, which is cool.

oh yah. so how do we feel about Wednesday? My next best day is Thursday. Then Saturday. Thoughts?