Thursday, February 28, 2008

Sense & Sensibility

Holy cow! Can you believe I'm actually posting a blog entry? I can't believe it either. So we had a great book club meeting tonight and I thought I'd post the pictures about it. I'm proud to report that again, I didn't finish the book,

and actually I'm not proud to report that, but I had a great time listening to what the differences were between the movie and the book and asking lots of questions about it and I felt I was able to contribute somewhat even though I only saw the movie.

The spirited discussion did indeed light the fire within me to finish the other 300 pages, like the rest of the book club did. I just can't express how much I look up to and admire them! I'm tearing up!

So here's what we have coming up next:
Northanger Abbey
Meeting on Thursday, April 17th
7:00 pm at Nicole's & Lis's

I hope we can see some of you that we haven't seen in a long time. It's so much fun to all get together and those of you that we don't see are very much missed. Crissa, if you ever check this you should ichat us sometime so we can all see you! And congrats on your 1 year in Denver Anniversary church calling. I find it so appropriate.

I love you all. And here's some good sensible advice for us all and is a good summation of what I took away from tonights meeting:

Marianne: Can he love her? Can the soul be really be satisfied with such polite affections? To love is to burn - to be on fire, like Juliet or Guinevere or Eloise...
Mrs. Dashwood: They made rather pathetic ends, dear.


I am officially undecided regarding my attendance at the book club celebrations tonight. I haven't read the book, but I have seen the movie. I would mainly come to bask in GAPA presence.

Sunday, February 17, 2008

Sense and Sensibility

I am not sure if anyone even reads this has been so long since anything was posted.
I just finished reading Sense and Sensibility for this month's bookclub. I thoroughly enjoyed myself the last few days as I was engrossed in the book. It is excellent! I can't wait to hear what others have to say about it.

I am pretty sure we decided to meet on Feb 28 at my house. Does that still work for people? Is anyone else reading the book? Do we need to watch the movie this weekend? GAPAS and book clubbers let me know what you think!!!!